$SGF Token
Let Giraffes earn $SGF
Polygonscan : https://polygonscan.com/token/0x00d61443aa4119f5bfaf6ff866fbaf88fcbbdfbf Contract : 0x00d61443aa4119f5bfaf6ff866fbaf88fcbbdfbf
Halving Period 1: 444,444 $SGF mined Halving Period 2: 888,888 $SGF mined Halving Period 3: 1,111,111 $SGF mined Halving Period 4: 2,222,222 $SGF mined
The only way to mine $SGF is by staking Sahara Giraffes NFTs
Total supply is 2,888,888 $SGF. Only 5% belongs to the team, other 95% goes into staking.
1. You are able to pay up to 70% with it for Giraffes Academy products
Courses, alpha drops, private AMAs. Get a great discount using $SGF as a payment method.
Peer-to-Peer Site: [Coming Soon]
Upon release, $SGF will be available to be traded peer-to-peer across token marketplaces. We will be monitoring the performance of $SGF to ensure it is a demand-driven token.
Last updated